Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara
Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara
Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara
Lara Lara Lara Lara Lara Nina
This page is not designed with proper webpage principles
in mind. It is designed to show a little bit of me off to the world. That
little bit which I love to live with. All colour schemes are meant to be
this way and clashing is a good thing. Always remember kiddiwinks that
Moshing IS a dangerous practice and that Stage Diving is not endorsed by
this site. Also remember that retro clothes are cool, but only 'cause they're
cheap. Shopping at St. Vinnies is a sign of coolness and do not tease anyone
who wears their own 'designer' label.. Also remember that Leonard Cohen
whilst a brilliant songwriter, cannot sing for peanuts and that Bauhaus
started this whole gothic music thing. Cordrazine is now a thing of the
past, and that I love the world.